Epsom and Ewell - Home of Health and Happiness - Local and General Elections in Epsom and Ewell - Epsom and Ewell forum, the UK
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Epsom and Ewell - Home of Health and Happiness

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 8:46am
0 replies1 member subscribed
Gina Miller

Posts: 1

Joined: 13 Mar 2024

Hello everyone

I am Gina Miller and I am standing to be your MP in the upcoming general election, for the True & Fair Party. 

In effect I am standing as an Independent and part of my pitch is for Epsom and Ewell to be the place where we pioneer a Wellbeing Economy.  By putting a lens of health and happiness over all policy areas, we can be a more productive, sustainable, healthy, happy place. There are some 21 countries looking at this new economic model, and in Britain we can be a blueprint for other places experiencing similar challenges with their high streets, local economy, healthcare, social care, housing, environmental issues.  

Please have a look at my campaign at ginaforepsom.vote - working together: public, private and the charity sectors, we can foster a holistic partnership approach that secures a better, fairer, future.

Contact me to find out more - my constituency office is up and running and I'm there three days a week.

It would be the greatest honour to be elected your MP. Help me to help you! 


Epsom and Ewell - Home of Health and Happiness

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